Survey Guidelines

The following guidelines are aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Department of Institutional Research by increasing response rates when conducting surveys:

  • Any survey going to more than 500 members of the KCAU Community (Including students, alumni, employees, etc.)  requires specific approval from the Dean of Research Innovation and Outreach. To secure this approval, please email the Dean. When Seeking approval, including the survey’s research purpose and the final research questions that will be sent to students/respondents.
  • Due to increasing survey fatigue on campus, coordinating with the KCAU Survey calendar is important while you are planning your survey dates. Institutional Research maintains this calendar and it can be accessed on the Institutional Research Website. Students should never be asked to complete more than one survey at a time. In semesters with high numbers of institutional surveys, IR may restrict the number of other surveys sampling the KCAU Student population. During the high survey times, requests for survey support and student contact information be completed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • In the case of External Parties (Alumni, corporates, NGOs etc.) planning to conduct surveys and studies on members of the KCAU Community, approval MUST be sought from the office of the Dean prior to conducting the survey, relevant documents such as survey questions, the purpose for the intended survey/study should accompany the request for approval. Where the study/survey is approved, the interested party should forward the letter/response of approval to the Instutional Reasrach office accompanied by the filled-out Survey Request Form from the IR Website.