Dr. Gladys Bunyasi

Dr. Gladys Bunyasi

Dr. Gladys Bunyasi

Position: Member, KCAUSERC
Categories: KCAUSERC
Dr. Gladys Bunyasi

Dr. Bunyasi is a lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Finance at KCA University chool of Business. Being a professional accountant she has nurtured and mentored students to becoming professionals in the various accounting professions.  She served as a dean of students where she engaged in guiding and counseling students on career matters and social aspects of life. She later on served as a director at the School of Professional Programmes, then as Dean Regional campuses and professional programmes and as Chief Principal to the KCA University Technical College where she saw the growth of the department in both programmes on offer from around 6 in 2007 Programmes to over 30 Programmes by close of 2022.

She holds a PhD in entrepreneurship from JKUAT, MBA in Finance from Kenyatta University, Bed Arts from the University of Nairobi. She is a Chartered Certified Accountant, a member of (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA UK). She is also a member of the ACCA Education Global Forum where she sits on the forum as a representative from Kenya contributing to the ACCA magazines on current emerging issues in the accountancy profession.