Application Process

>> Ethics Review Application Process

Submitting an application

The Research proposals for ethical review from applicants will be submitted through an online portal on the KCAUSERC Website and the committee members will organize a seating once a month or as per need to review the applications.


Application: An application for review of a proposal by the KCAUSERC should be submitted by a qualified researcher responsible for the ethical and scientific conduct of the research.


To apply: click on Apply Now  and fill in your details and clearance requests. Follow the steps and click on complete at the end. We will receive and process your application.

For all applicants, please note that your proposal or protocol must have a number of sections, including an introduction, objective(s)/research question(s), significance of the research, and methodology ( clearly detailing how ethical concerns will be addressed).

>> Points to Note

  • The requirements for the submission of a research project for ethical review will be clearly described in the application form.
  • Applications will be acknowledged, and researchers will be informed of the review date as quickly as possible.
  • The acknowledgement of the application shall be communicated to the researchers within a week after receipt of the application.
  • In cases where the KCAUSERC requests supplementary information or changes to documents from applicants, such information should be provided to the KCAUSERC at least a week before the next meeting
  • In cases where clarification is sought and researchers fail to respond within 3 months, KCAUSERC will send a reminder to allow a further 1-month period for response, beyond which the application file will be closed.
  • Researchers may be asked to present a case in a KCAUSERC meeting, if required, including follow up and end report.
  • There shall be a fee for the review of every proposal which shall be paid on or before the submission of the application form (Note that the fee paid is dependent on the level of researcher with charges ranging from undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral and industry researchers -the fee caters for both local and international researchers).